Friday, January 11, 2019

Gretel for Riley Blake

Hello and Happy New Year! This is my first finished make for 2019. I'm so delighted to have worked with this adorable fabric called Gretel by Amy Smart (she has the cutest blog - Diary of a Quilter) for Riley Blake Designs.

Gretel Fabric by Amy Smart for Riley Blake Designs

It's absolutely darling, cute, and nostalgic. I decided to make what I call a  - busy bag for girls on the go (or Mom's like me). It can hold all the essentials - apple juice boxes, hot wheels, little dollies, wallet, and phone (yes, in this order because Mommy's essentials take a back seat to kids essentials).

Here's what I made:

Busy Bag made with Gretel Fabric

Busy Bag details

Back of Bag

Front Pocket

Gretel Fabric

So many of you have asked me, is there a pattern for your project, and sadly, no! My process of creating bags and projects in general starts off with deciding what I want to use it for, sketching, measuring, creating rough pattern, and sew as I go along.  My New Years resolution is to make patterns for all my projects (something long overdue). So hopefully, sometime this year I will have my patterns ready for all of you!

Here are some details of my process for the Busy Bag:

Making the front panel

Making the zipper panel

Sewing the bag inside out, and praying it turns out okay!

Bag turned inside out.

I hope you enjoyed my Gretel Busy Bag. Gretel really is adorable. I'm hoping in making a mini version for my daughter Rosalie!

Busy bag made with Gretel Fabric




  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hi Suze,

    Not sure what happened by your comment was deleted when I was about to respond! Thank you so much! I know, there is know pattern at the moment. My goal for 2019 is to start making and publishing patterns for all the projects I make. I'm a mommy to twin 2.5 toddlers, so a lot of my goals are sadly unreachable at the moment. Please stay tuned though, I hope to have something out soon. Thanks!


  3. Would love your patterns. Very lovely.
